
Our Mission and Vision


Auspicium Melioris Aevi

(Latin for ‘Hope of a Better Age’)


Learners, leaders and pioneers,
Driven by purpose,
Dedicated to service,
Drawing on their unique gifts,
For a flourishing human
and natural world.


An inspiring school that leads in
broadening horizons,
deepening compassion,
and embracing diverse strengths
together as a community.


The colours green, black and white are the standard colours of the House of Raffles. They occupy the central place in the crest and have been adopted as the colours of our school.

Our Crest


The gryphon that sits atop the RI crest combines the speed, flight and penetrating vision of an eagle with the strength, courage and majesty of a lion. Ringed by a crown, it symbolises the institution's enduring strength and its trust in the nobility of intellectual endeavour.

The twin-headed eagle looks to both the East and West for inspiration. One head draws strength and insight from the lessons of the past while the other looks ahead to the rich potential in the future.

At the heart of the crest site a double medallion representing the Order of the Golden Sword, a personal decoration that was conferred upon Raffles in 1811 by the Sultan of Aceh, one of the most widely-respected kingdoms in the region. Raffles held this honour in the highest regard and had it incorporated as part of his coat of arms in 1817. Inscribed upon the upper medallion in Jawi script is a salutation from Sultan Alaudin Jauhar Al-Alam:

Seri Paduka Orang Kaya Berpedang Mas Thomas Raffles Sultan Alauddin Jauhar Al-Alam Shah Johan Berdaulat

(‘Honourable Nobleman Thomas Raffles – Order of the Golden Sword Sultan Alauddin Jauhar Al-Alam Shah Sovereign Ruler’)

The official letter from the Sultan of Aceh that proclaims the award of this title (dated 27 April 1811) can be found at the Royal Aceh Museum. It highlights the importance that Raffles had accorded to intercultural relations and understanding, and the sensitivity with which he approached both.

The lower medallion bears a kris, a distinctive, asymmetrical dagger indigenous to Southeast Asia. Both a weapon and a spiritual object, the kris symbolises of heroism.

The crest has Jawi as well as Latin inscriptions, inspiring Rafflesians to have a multicultural outlook.


Read about the origins of our crest

The Institution Anthem


‘The community feeling which is so important in a school can be inculcated in several ways, but the most enjoyable way of doing it is by singing together,’ – E. W. Jesudason (Headmaster, 1963-1966)


Former Headmaster Mr E W Jesudason penned the lyrics of the Institution Anthem according to his vision of the kind of students Rafflesians should be. It was set to music composed by music teacher Mr David Lim.


When Stamford Raffles held the torch / That cast Promethean Flame / We faced the challenge of the day / To give our school a name

The eagle eye and gryphon strength / They led us to the fore / To reign supreme in ev'ry sphere / The sons of Singapore

Come heed the call Rafflesians all / And let our hearts be stirring / We'll do our best whate’er the test / And keep our colours flying

Let comradeship and fervent hope / With one voice make us pray / Auspicium Melioris Aevi / With God to guide the way.