
Year 5 Direct School Admission


The Direct School Admission for Junior Colleges (DSA-JC) allows students to seek admission to a Junior College (JC), based on a diverse range of specific academic and non-academic achievements and talents that they can demonstrate beyond the GCE O-Level examination.

This exercise is open to all students in the Sec 4E/5NA O-Level graduating cohort of 2024 who are  studying in mainstream secondary schools and have outstanding talent in either Academics, Sports, Performing Arts or Leadership and Character.


DSA-JC Talent Areas offered in RI

Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 5.04.19 PM


RI DSA-JC Criteria and Schedule

Please click on the RI DSA-JC Criteria and Schedule to view the full details of the criteria and schedule. 


DSA-JC Application Process

Application Opens

07 May 2024

Selection Window

20 May 2024 - 07 Aug 2024

Notification of DSA-JC Outcome

29 Jul 2024 - 07 Aug 2024

MOE Acceptance Stage

12 Aug 2024 - 14 Aug 2024

MOE JC Allocation

08 Jan 2025 - 10 Jan 2025



  • Applicants to RI should apply for ONLY ONE Talent Area, and are not allowed to switch Talent Areas after submission of their application.
  • Submission Link: Submit your application online at
    Note: The online application form will open from 07 May 2024, 3.00pm to 24 June 2024, 9.00am.

  • Submission Deadline: While the deadline is on 24 June 2024, 9.00am, RI strongly encourages students to submit your applications early according to the domains below.

    1. For Sports and Performing Arts domain: Apply by 20 May 2024 (Mon), 3.00pm to be considered for the 1st selection window. 

    2. For Academic and Leadership & Character domains: Apply by 29 May 2024 (Wed), 3.00pm to be considered for the 1st selection window

    This is to ensure the following:

    1. Applications can be assessed prior to the June Holidays to circumvent the rush of submissions towards the end of June. Students are strongly advised against submitting their applications at the last minute to avoid any potential issues with insufficient application information or with the form

    2. Early submissions will enable shortlisted applicants to be scheduled for the 1st Selection Window, to avoid clashing with their preparations for O-Level Mother Tongue papers.
    - Listening Comprehension: 03 Jul 2024
    - Oral Exam: 04 – 12 Jul 2024

    Note: Refer to RI DSA-JC Criteria and Schedule PDF above for the full details of the DSA exercise.

  • Supporting Documents: Students are to submit the following documents with their application:

    a) End of Year (EOY) Academic Progress Report for Express (Sec 2 & 3) and NA (Sec 3 & 4).
    b) Weighted Assessment (WA) Result Slip for Express (Sec 4 WA) and NA (Sec 5 WA) 
    c) CCA records & Achievements related to the chosen DSA talent area
    d) VIA, Awards, Community Projects, that are evidence of your character and talents
    e) Current scholarships (ASEAN, School-based, etc)
    f) Personal Statement of up to 300 words to support your application

    Note: Teacher’s testimonials are not required to avoid imposing unnecessary obligations and expectations on them.

  • Announcements: Applicants will receive an official email from RI informing them of their application status/outcome. Alternatively, an RI staff overseeing the selection trial/interview will be contacting applicants.

    • Shortlisted applicants will be notified in stages within the Selection Window. 
    • Only shortlisted applicants will be invited to attend Selection Tests, Sports Trials, Audition and/or Interviews.
    • Successful & Unsuccessful applicants will receive an official email from RI within the “Notification of DSA-JC Outcome” period. 


Important Notes

  • Meeting all criteria does not guarantee that applicants will be shortlisted or given an offer.
  • We will not disclose details of the DSA-JC selection process or interviews, and reserve the right to neither discuss nor disclose reasons for non-selection.
  • Students who have been successfully allocated a school via DSA-JC are not allowed to participate in the Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE). They will also not be allowed to transfer to another school after the release of the GCE O-Level examination results. They are expected to honour their commitment to the DSA-JC schools and to participate in activities related to the talent selected in, for the duration of the programme admitted to. Students who do not fulfil their DSA commitment without valid reason may be required to transfer out to another school.