


2025 JAE Year 5 Reporting Day

Following the release of the JAE posting results on 4 February 2025, all JAE students posted to RI are to take note of the following reporting details:

Date: 5 February 2025, Wed
Reporting Time: 7.45am
End Time: 4.00pm
Venue: Multi Purpose Hall (Year 5-6 Campus) 
Attire:  Full secondary school uniform
Lunch Break: 12.30pm – 1.25pm
[Note: Please bring your EZ Link Card for activation to access the campus side-gates.]

Students who are coming in by public transportation are to enter via the Gate 3 (Main Gate) or Gate 8 nearest the Marymount MRT station. Gate 8 will be accessible between 7.30am and 8.00am.  Please use the Main Gate for all other timings. Please refer to this campus map for Gate and Multi Purpose Hall locations.

For parents who are driving and dropping off your child/ward, please refer to the RI Traffic Flow Map.

Induction Programme: 5 and 6 February 2025
Orientation Programme: 7 February & 10 to 12 February 2025 

*Students intending to appeal the posting results, you are still expected to report to your posted school.

Upon reporting, students are expected to inform the posted school of their intention to participate in the JAE Appeal Exercise and to indicate the schools to which they will be appealing.

Students who are unable to report on the first day of school with valid reasons should contact the RI JAE Induction team at [email protected] to confirm their place in the school.

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