


Acts of Kindness

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” Aesop 

For the past few months, we celebrated small acts of kindness and bigger actions that impact the larger community through the Acts of Kindness movement. This is in line with the Rafflesian ethos of service to others, where staff and students are encouraged to contribute stories of kindness that they have received. They also share how these acts of kindness have inspired them to pay it forward.  

These stories of kindness are pasted as leaves on a kindness tree, with one tree each for the Year 1-4 and Year 5-6 campuses. To date, there are more than 1000 kindness stories in total, and on the kindness trees are a collection of many stories of appreciation towards our canteen vendors, cleaners, security officers, staff and students. 

WhatsApp Image 2023-05-24 at 14.45.45With the Acts of Kindness movement, there are more than 1000 stories of kindness contributed by staff and students. 

WhatsApp Image 2023-05-24 at 14.45.46 (2)
The Kindness trees will be at EXPO this Sunday at RI's 200th Founder's Day celebrations.

Here are some stories contributed by our staff and students:

“On the day I had received my science results, I was very disappointed as I did not score well. Thus, I went to the canteen to buy something to eat and hopefully cheer myself up. When approaching Uncle Chang Cafe, Uncle Chang saw me looking despondent, and immediately struck up a conversation, cheering me up and made me laugh and smile. It really made my day better. To this day, he always takes the opportunity to talk to me and even others when I go to his stall and buy something, and always able to lift my spirits up. Thank you Uncle Chang for all that you have done!”
Kurt Lukas Voedisch (1J)

“During break, I was struggling with my math homework. Coincidentally, my CCA senior, Ryan Emmanuel Yeo (4I), had the same break as me. He sat down beside me and noticed that I had some trouble with my math. Initially, he was planning to play football with his classmates, but when he saw me having trouble with math, he took the initiative to help me and explain the concepts to me. In the end, he spent his entire break helping me with math and I am very grateful to him!”
Ang Ray Tze (1E)

“As my cubicle neighbour, Ms Heryanti keeps an eye out for my wellbeing, even going so far as to pass me food. (Food is always appreciated, especially on long work days.) It also helps that she has been a reliable source of support at work. This was particularly so last year when I joined the department and school. For Ms Heryanti's efforts at making my time in RI fruitful, I am thankful.”
Mr. Loh Guan Liang, English Teacher

Apart from the stories submission, we are also working closely with Singapore Kindness Movement (SKM) through our Year 3 Research Education (RE) projects, which will be focused on cyber kindness and kindness towards our students.

Through the Acts of Kindness movement, there is a ripple effect of doing good and a culture of gratitude in our school. We also hope it has inspired you to spread kindness in the wider community! 

The Kindness trees will be at EXPO this Sunday at our 200th Founder’s Day celebrations. See you there!