Project Perspective
Some of our Year 6 students, Aadil Jamari, Chan Wan Jing Denyse, Lim Seow See Alicia, Teo Jun Ning Chloe and Wu Yuemeng have written, illustrated and published two books this year:
My Father’s Skyscraper Dreams and My Mother’s Half-Built House. Inspired by their research work on migrant workers as part of their Project Work in Year 5, the students want to help our young children appreciate the lived realities of migrant workers. It is their hope that Singaporeans can become more gracious to one another through understanding and youth education.
Copies of the books have been donated to all primary schools and the National Library Board. These books will soon be available for loan from our National Libraries and are also available as e-books at
The books are in support of Transient Workers Count Too (TWC2). Donations to the Transient Workers Count Too (TWC2) are welcomed via campaign at the link here:
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#Project Work