Amidst the daily updates of the number of COVID-19 cases, and panic around the world, the pandemic has generated a constant stream of negativity. We need to be mindful of the kind of messages we are taking in to better take care of our mental well-being in this chaotic period. Building up your psychological defences is equally important as taking sensible health precautionary measures!
i Adapted from Professor David Chan’s article on The Straits Times, we came up with 4C’s which you could practise with your teenager this season.
1. Be Calm
Of recent, the Singapore government has put in place travel advisories to defer all non-essential travel. It has affected and will continue to negatively impact many of your plans, workplaces and families. As the days and weeks go by, some of the confirmed cases may hit closer to home, perhaps affecting your co-workers or even your family members. No one wants to be infected or infect others. Despite taking necessary measures, we may not be able to control who gets infected.
In such an anxiety-laden environment, how do you stay calm? Before you can help your teenagers manage their anxiety surrounding COVID-19, we need to know how to do so.
(a) Stop Panic – If you catch yourself being more panicky than usual, keep calm.
(b) Breathe to check in – Often in tense situations, we forget to breathe out. Observe if your breathing is irregular and try to steady it.
(c) Identify your fear – Ask yourself, “What am I anxious/ fearful about?” or “Why am I feeling this way?”
(d) Open up to a trusted someone – share your fears/thoughts with someone you feel safe with.
Hopefully, when there are overwhelming emotions, you could try these steps. At the same time, you could encourage your teenager to do so along the way.

2. Be Considerate
“Do unto others as you would like them to do unto you.”
Globally, we see and hear from the news around us of supermarket shelves being wiped out of groceries and household essential items. Some of us may not understand their rationale, but some of us may identify with the fear of being deprived of basic necessities if we were to be quarantined at home. We also seen some that ‘chope’ hawker tables and also public spaces out of fear of being potentially infected.
We may have our underlying reasons to do so. Parents need to model civic-mindedness to your teenagers. If your teenager is unwell, encourage him/ her to stay home and rest. He/ she may want to still go to school and not missed out on lessons or be with his/ her friends. In view of the COVID-19 situation, it is best to err on the side of caution and wear a mask, stay home and rest up.
3. Be Caring
In such an almost-dystopic worldwide situation, humanity may be lost. As everyone cares for him/ herself, who is looking out for the others and those neglected? Other than caring for those working in the frontline, how about your closer social circles and community, such as your neighbours, colleagues and friends?
Raffles Guidance Centre came up with a ‘Dare to Care’ initiative for both the students and teachers recently! It is an activity where you get to spin the wheel, pick out a card with an action to do unto your colleagues and also friends at school. Some examples are “Post a positive message on Instagram and hashtag #RafflesUnite” or “Give 1 hour of your time to tutor a classmate/ friend.” We hope that through such a campaign, we can empower both teachers and students to have the courage to care for each other in the current climate of fear.

What can you be doing with your family for the community during this season? It could be something small like volunteering at a soup kitchen together.
4. Be Collectivistic
Collectivism prioritises the interests and well-being of others, in the wider population. In this virus pandemonium, it brings out the vulnerable side of humans. We will be tempted to self-preserve, which is a normal survival instinct. Nevertheless, let us choose to be above our individualistic tendencies, and work together as a community.
Fear is contagious, but so is collective courage and compassion. What values would you like your teenagers to learn from this pandemic? How can you, as a parent, use this as an opportunity to teach your teenager about resilience and being part of a collectivistic society?
We hope that in this period of uncertainty, you would take good care of yourself before taking care of your teenager. Stay healthy and keep calm!
Warmest regards,
The RGC team

The RGC Team from L-R: Mei Hui, Kah Hwee, Alexis, Paul, Zull, Jeffrey