


RI's 200th Founder's Day Celebrations

On 28 May 2023, we celebrated our 200th Founder’s Day (FD200) at the Singapore EXPO. Themed “Honouring the Past by Inspiring the Future”, FD200 was a culmination of a series of bicentennial events and a 1000-day countdown since 8 September 2020. It served as an inspirational narrative of RI’s 200th Anniversary, and was a product of months of hard work from our staff, students and alumni.

Our 200th Founder's Day took place after a 1000-day countdown that started on 8 September 2020, and was a culmination of a series of bicentennial events. 

Over 5,000 guests, alumni, students and staff members attended the Founder’s Day event on-site, while over 23,000 viewers watched the livestream online. Through the celebrations, we honoured RI’s rich history and heritage over the past 200 years, as well as commemorated the school’s legacy of service and excellence.


The Opening Act celebrated the strong school spirit and unique house culture of RI. 

The programme consisted of three main acts: (i) Celebrate the Present, (ii) Honouring the Past, and (iii) Inspiring the Future. The event also began with an Opening Act that featured student performances and special appearances by Griffles (the school mascot), celebrating the strong school spirit and unique house culture of RI.

RI's six uniformed groups marched in with the school colours to the musical accompaniment of the RI Military Band at Act One of the 200th Founder's Day celebrations. 

Act One commenced with a colourful display of pomp and ceremony. RI’s six uniformed groups marched in with the school colours to the musical accompaniment of the RI Military Band, where they played the Founder’s Day song composed by the late Rudy Mosbergen (Principal of RJC 1982-1987) and specially arranged for the occasion by Class of 2015 alumnus, Mr Darren Sng.

Chairman of the RI Board of Governors, Mr Bey Soo Khiang, emphasised the school's cornerstones of service and excellence. 

Mr Bey Soo Khiang, Chairman of the RI Board of Governors, gave his welcome address, where he emphasised the school’s cornerstones of service and excellence that have guided Rafflesians to be distinguished contributors to the community.

Our Principal, Mr Frederick Yeo, outlined key directions for the school in strengthening student diversity and enhancing social mixing within RI and the community. 

Principal Mr Frederick Yeo then outlined some key directions for the school beyond its bicentennial, with a special focus on strengthening student diversity and enhancing social mixing within RI and the community. He also mentioned steps that the school has taken to provide more opportunities for RI students to interact with students from other schools.

Mr Chan Chun Sing, Minister for Education, delivered Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s speech on his behalf. He urged RI to continue exemplifying Singapore’s “inclusive spirit and egalitarian ethos”, where people from diverse backgrounds should have equal chances of success. He also reminded Rafflesians to demonstrate excellence throughout life, beyond their years in RI.

In Act Two, we looked back at the past with nostalgia and humour. There were video appearances by alumni such as Dr Goh Wei Leong (co-Founder of Healthserve), Mr Ibnur Rashad (sustainability inventor and founder of GUILD) and Col Shalini Arulanandam (commander of the SAF Medical Corps' Military Medicine Institute).

At the Founder’s Day prize presentation, we celebrated the achievements of Rafflesians in various areas of talent, such as in the creative arts, sports, community service, leadership and academics. Former school prize recipients shared the stage with the latest recipients of the same school prize, signifying how individual achievement is only the start of a lifetime of contribution.


The audience enjoyed a drama and dance performance, "RI Through the Ages", by current students and alumni at the 200th Founder's Day celebrations.

Act Two concluded with a humorous and lively segment featuring the artistic talents of current students and alumni in a drama and dance performance, RI Through the Ages, with a script by Mr Thomas Lim, music composed by Year 6 student Chia Ren Cher, and dance choreography by Class of 2013 alumnus Mr Yee Chun Tuck Ernest.

In the finale Act Three, representatives from different generations of Rafflesians expressed their hopes and dreams for the future. The alumni representatives were Prof Lee Soo Ann (Emeritus Professor of Economics), Ms Laina Raveedran Greene (CEO and Founder of Angels of Impact) and Ms Sarah Pang (Professional tennis player).


Sparklers illuminated the atmosphere as we concluded our 200th Founder's Day celebrations. 

Although our 200th Founder’s Day celebrations have come to a close, we know that the rich history and legacy of our school will continue as we celebrate the past by inspiring the future. We thank everyone who has joined us in commemorating our 200th Founder’s Day. Together, we reaffirm our commitment to be the Hope of a Better Age.