When you join the RINCC, you become a part of a CCA with more than 100 years of history. Founded by a group of RI students in 1901, RINCC is the oldest cadet corps in Singapore. We are supported by MINDEF and the Ministry of Education.Through training conducted by experienced seniors, cadets learn foot drills, precision rifle drills (PDS), field signals, orienteering skills, tactical movements and urban operations. The NCC Headquarters also conducts useful courses on first aid, unarmed combat and leadership skills, and provides all cadets with a chance to fire live rounds using SAR 21 rifle. Besides this, cadets can also look forward to exciting external activities like hiking, desert trekking, games, fitness challenges and international exchange programmes.Highlights of the four-year journey in NCC include: Annual March and November Camps Camp FORGE (Y1)Camp STEEL (Y2)Specialists Assessment (Y3)SAR21 Live Firing (Y3)Don't miss this opportunity to learn useful techniques, experience exciting new things, and hone the skills necessary to become a disciplined student leader. Join the Raffles Institution National Cadet Corps!