

What Our Subject is About

Biology is the science of life. Through learning Biology, we learn about how life works at the systems, physiological and cellular and molecular levels.  As a result of recent advancements in the life sciences, many new and important fields of Biology have emerged. The syllabus aims to ensure students are kept up to date with such new knowledge.

The Biology curriculum is centred around four core ideas. The first core idea centres about the study of cells, which are the basic units of life. Genetics and inheritance is the next core idea to be explored. This provides the molecular basis to the understanding of how variation in populations arise and is important in the study of biological evolution. The third core idea describes how energy is obtained, transformed and utilised in biological systems. The final core idea, biological evolution, helps us make sense of the biodeversity of life on earth.  In addition to the core ideas, two extension topics, Infectious Diseases and Impact of Climate Change on Animals and Plants, based on important biological issues impacting both local and global contexts are included. 

Through learning Biology, students develop a scientific mind and disposition while addressing the broader questions of what life is and how life is sustained. We also hope to develop in them the understanding, skills, ethics and attitudes relevant to the Practices of Science including understanding the nature of scientific knowledge, demonstrating science inquiry skills and relating science and society.


What We Do To Develop Students' Interest/Abilities

In order to encourage exploration and deepen conceptual understanding, we try to bring in relevant learning experiences into the classroom in the form of practical work, scientific investigations, appreciating prominent historical endeavours and discussing ethical issues.

To meet the needs of various groups of students interested in Biology, we offer Biology at the H1, H2 and H3 levels. H1 Biology is a subset of H2 Biology, where the breadth of topics is reduced while the depth of each topic remains unchanged. H3 Biology is an extension of the H2 syllabus and is catered to those who wish to delve deeper into each topic. 

The Biology Raffles Academy programme is a programme for selected students who demonstrate aptitude and passion for the subject. Besides covering H2 content, students are exposed to various learning experiences in the form of scientific investigations via hands on practicals or analysis of scientific journals where relevant. 

What Our Students Say

“I gained a deeper understanding of various biological processes that occur in organisms. It is interesting to see some of these processes happening in our daily lives.”


“I enjoyed learning Biology thoroughly during this year as the topics covered and lessons are interesting and encourages us to research more about the topics and to learn more about the topic. It is exciting how what we learn in Biology might seem abstract but actually helps us to understand the workings of organisms and the way organisms interact in the environment. It is also interesting when real life issues are brought in, and when we learn about how the small mutations can give rise to severe diseases.”