Appreciation and investigation into the richness of man’s past and present…
Our Approach
To develop into a thinker, leader and pioneer with FIRE values, as well as to be imbued with a sense of national identity, Rafflesians must understand the Singapore they live in today as well as how the present world
system came into being. This will require students to not only understand the relevance of Singapore’s past in shaping its current unique position, but they must also examine the key forces and developments that have shaped the international
climate in the 20th and 21st centuries.
Visit the virtual museum on the Resistance in Singapore
Learner Outcomes
The lower secondary History Raffles Programme syllabus traces Singapore’s history and development from the 14th to the 20th centuries. In doing so, students will understand the local, as well as global, forces and events that shaped Singapore’s
development and place in the world.
At upper secondary, students’ critical thinking, conceptual understanding, as well as their creative and future problem solving skills, are enhanced as they traverse through the rise and fall of world powers in the 18th to 20th centuries.
In addition to the Raffles Programme, the History Raffles Academy class adopts a historiographical approach in its syllabus, enabling students to delve into the philosophy behind the discipline and the craft of historians in interpreting the past.
Topics that students will learn include:
Year 1-2 - Ancient Singapore - Coming of Immigrants - Founding of Singapore - Life Under British Rule - Japanese Occupation - Singapore's Road to Independence - Post-Independence Singapore | Year 3-4 - Rise of World Powers in the late 19th Century - Decline of Traditional Powers in the early 20th Century - Conflict - Dictatorships - Road to World War II - Historiography (RA) |
Some exciting activities that history students participated and engaged in include:
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Interviewing Alumni from the 1960s to 1990s to better understand life in RI in the past and in Singapore
| | Excursions to exhibitions such as “Raffles in Southeast Asia” in the Asian Civilisations Museum (ACM) and “From Singapore to Singaporean: The Bicentennial Experience” at Fort Canning Park. | | Competitions such as ‘Prove It!’ organised by the National Library Board, which challenges students’ ability to seek information and develop a strong aptitude for research via the application of information literacy skills. |
Showcase of Students’ Work
Have a taste of what it’s like to think like a junior historian! Simply download the pdf and try-it-out!
Feeling bored at home? Why not look up some of these interesting websites to learn more about history!
1. Ever wondered what happened on this very day in history around the world? Look no further than to,
an interactive website with documentaries, articles and more!
2. Interested in learning more about Singapore and Southeast Asia? Take a look at the National Library’s Biblioasia publications found at:
3. Want to learn more about Singapore’s history in the comfort of your homes? Explore the Asian Civilisations Museum and the National Museum of Singapore through virtual tours online.