


Promethean Day 2017

We commemorated Promethean Day during morning assembly on 24 July. Named for the mythological titan who stole fire from the gods for the benefit of mankind, the ceremony saw Year 4 student leaders passing on the torch of leadership to their Year juniors in the form of symbolic tokens from their respective groups. The ceremony concluded with the formal appointment of the Head and Deputy head prefects, followed by a ground-shaking rendition of our iconic school cheers.




Meanwhile, the Year 5-6 students held Promethean Ceremony on 2 August. Senior Deputy Principal Mr Magendiran gave an inspiring speech about the importance of grit, and the organisers screened a photo montage of memorable snapshots of school life captured over the past year. The Year 6 student leaders then presented symbolic tokens of their CCAs to their Year 5 juniors, and Celeste Ng (18S06H), head of the CCA Department of the 37th Students’ Council, thanked the former student leaders for their hard work and many contributions to the school community.

The new student leaders then took the Rafflesian Leader's Oath.

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